
If you are in urgent need of an electrician, call the team at Next Level Electrical. We are available 24/7.

Our 24 hour emergency response team provides you round-the-clock commercial electrical repairs, services and maintenance.

Call Emergency services on 000 if you, or someone else has received an electric shock.

Do not attempt touch fallen power lines or faulty equipment.
The 3 step process

Step 1: Call Next Level Electrical

Day or Night, our team of experienced electricians are ready to ensure a safe restoration of your power supply.

Give us a call on 0423 009 955 to arrange the immediate dispatch of an electrician.

Step 2: Safety is our number one priority

Our electricians will arrive on site and will begin an assessment to make the situation safe and to ensure no further damage to your property or equipment will occur.

Step 3: Restoration to supply

Once the issue has been correctly identified, isolated from mains supply and taken out of service we will discuss plans to return your electrical installation and equipment back into service.